Thursday, June 06, 2013


Natural  disaster,  Keeping  in  touch,  Conquering,  Distance,  Knowledge  is  power,  Be  healthy,
Live longer, We are proud of them, Towards freedom, India win freedom, Governing ourselves,
The  United  Nations,  Know  our  planet,  Parallels  and  Meridians,  Major  land  forms,  Natural
resources,  Weather  and  climate,  Environmental  pollution,  E  for  environment,  The  treeless
Grasslands, The Prairies, The land of sand – Saudi Arabia, The land of snow – Greenland, The
land of dense forests – The democratic republic of the Congo. Hill Stations, Airlines, Airports,
Famous personalities, Cinema, Authors & Books, Sports personalities, Sports, Current affairs,
Inventor,  Inventions,  General  Science,  Monuments,  First  in  India  and  World,  Countries  &
capitals, Mountains, Sanctuaries and Parks, Religions, Places, Rivers, Climatic regions of the


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