Sunday, December 26, 2010

19th TO 24th Dec,2010 MATHS WEEK

From 19th to 24th Dec,2010 Maths Week was organized and held in Primary Wing.
Convener:-Ms.Chitra Nakra (Principal)
Idea and Concept:-Ms.Vandana Chawla(Primary Wing In-charge)


Principal Ms. Chitra Nakra blessed us with her benign presence and inaugurated the event.It was her blessings that paved way for the success of this event.Her ever encouraging approach to try new things has been inspirational to the faculty as well as students.


1.Budding Engineers

Children view different areas of the school and perceive them individually and construct models using transparencies,cardboard,thermocol and other materials.


Children prepared rangoli based on different geometrical shapes using colored rice,wooden burada,waste flower petals,diyas and other  materials


Questionnaires were prepared  and children surveyed the school and recorded the answers with them.While surveying they recorded area,volume and other mathematical measurements which enhanced their concepts further.

Other Highlights


Throughout the event,a very popular attraction "SHOPPERS MALL" was packed with teachers and students .A basic activity of buying and selling became special when students were interested in buying articles that were of particular use to their mothers.It was truly a touching sight.It was ensured that students try to perform mathematical calculations without using pen and paper.This made them feel more confident of the entire experience of buying and selling various articles.They had a great experience of buying and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.The teachers echoed the same sentiments.


Special effort by Maths Department in the form of a contest "Kaun Banega Ramanujan" brought accolades from the Principal and Incharges.Various rounds were conducted to challenge the students so that they can prove their mettle and clinch the title of RAMANUJAN.The encouragement and appreciation instilled confidence within all the teachers to give the best within them.

1.Ms.Vandana Chawla(Primary Wing Incharge)
2.Ms Mamta(Activity In charge)

Special thanks to all the children of IV and V standard for their active participation in the event.

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